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Mindset2wellness in Follansbee offers unique counseling services

by: Taylor LongPosted: Sep 1, 2022


Take a look at this! MindSet2Wellness located in the Bluewave Center in Follansbee is offering unique counseling sessions for all ages.

If you are going through something such as a trauma, dealing with anxiety or depression but you don’t like sitting and talking, or it might make you uncomfortable.

Well, Mindset2wellness is offering emotional journaling, embodied healing dance movement, and theracycling.

Each session different in their own way to help you battle what’s going on inside.

“Mindset2wellness was created as a therapy counseling group to help people know that they already have strength and resilience, and the focus is not on what you have to fix or need to do, but what you already have within you.”

She says there are different groups within the Bluewave Center that partner up with Mindset2wellness to ensure you are getting everything you need, such as SYNA, athletic training.

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